vineri, 30 decembrie 2011


Sarbatorile de anul asta, pentru mine, au fost amestecate si ametite, n-am prea facut nimic cum trebuie. Mi-am primit pana la urma cadoul de Craciun in 29 decembrie, da' nu-i stres, ca nici eu nu am fost chiar punctuala.

Bineinteles ca a trebuit si pisi sa vina sa iti bage coada, sau, in poza, gherutele.

Ador cerceii, zorzoanele de tot felul si chiar daca am dat peste cap planurile (trebuiau sa fie buburuze, nu inimioare, pana ce am deschis eu gura) sunt incantata de ei si sper sa aiba viata mai lunga la mine decat cerceii in forma de pisici rosii ... din care a mai ramas doar o pisicuta singuratica.

Pe de alta parte, daca tot e vorba de bijuterii (si inele), ma gandesc ca pana la urma orice fata ar fi incantata sa primeasca THE ring - nu, nu ma refeream la filmul ala horror, desi interesanta asocierea din capul meu :))

Pana la urma, cine sunt eu sa dau sfaturi si sa am pareri, din moment ce diamante nu detin si inel de logodna nici atat. Poate ca o sa vina si zilele astea, dar pana atunci imi doresc macar partile bune din Breakfast at Tiffany's. Pisica o am deja.

Particip la concursul lui Blogatu si de-aia am scris acest articol care sa contina inele de logodna si verighete. In rest, nici o sansa :)

joi, 29 decembrie 2011


Anul asta, am ales varianta eco pentru bradut, fiindca nu mai suportam sa ii vad pe toti cum se usuca - asa ca, una bucata brad cu radacini, in ghiveci (in cazul de fata, galeata), pentru impodobit si ulterior plantat pe undeva.

Se adauga una bucata Griutzu, motanelul meu curios, care bineinteles ca nu e deloc interesat de marul cel rosu (de inspiratie povestea cu Alba ca Zapada).

Ce a urmat... se vede in poze.

Articol scris pentru concursul "Brad de Blogger" al lui Blogatu , ca tare bine mi-ar prinde premiul de hosting Si pentru ca sunt din Arad si simt ca bradul din fata primariei intr-un fel e si al meu, adaug si cateva poze pe care le-am facut acolo.

Sarbatori Fericite si La Multi Ani!

sâmbătă, 24 decembrie 2011


So... since winter makes me even lazier than usual and since I wrote this Vienna post yesterday for someone with a bigger blog than mine...

The article:

More pictures:

No sure if the link will actually work though... you figure it out :)

Edit: ok, so the link does not seem to work for everyone. Try it first and, if it doesn't, see pretty pictures below

miercuri, 21 decembrie 2011

No wonder

No wonder you're looking thin when all that you live on is lipgloss and cigarettes

vineri, 9 decembrie 2011

Alt concurs castigat de je

Mazi a pus un "concurs untos" pe blogul ei: "Daca si voi ♥ unt, lasati un comentariu cu ce inseamna mic dejun de vis."

Eu, pe acelasi blog: "Daca e vorba de mic dejun de vis (sau in vis), despre asta pot sa va vorbesc... despre mic dejun din viata reala, nu as sti ce sa zic, fiindca intotdeauna ma trezesc prea tarziu, era sa scriu ma "tarzesc" - combinatie intre "tarziu" si "trezesc" :)) asa ca spre rusinea mea in viata reala cam tot timpul sar peste mic dejun. Dar daca vorbim de mic dejun de vis, aceasta cea-mai-importanta-masa-a-zilei ar fi perfecta cu briose cu crema de unt, bineinteles :D eventual paine cu unt si miere, in amintirea zilelor de scoala. Cafeaua si sucul de portocale nu au cum sa lipseasca, poate si un frappe cu vanilie. Simplu si minimalist, zic eu, usor de mancat si baut in pat, sa nu iti pice prost cand te rostogolesti pe partea cealalta sa mai dormi "doar un minut" :))"


Dupa ceva vreme, Mazi: "UPDATE - Castigatorii concursului sunt:
Valentina, Forfecutsa, Bianca E, Sabrina, Larisa, Mitinita, Georgiana, Alice, Lavinia, Nico, Andreea, Ioana, Miha.ela, Roxana C, Ruxandra, Ana B, Corina M, Ioana, Smo si Merat."

Smo, adica eu, da? :D Adica am castigat ceva... Asteptam cu mare interes sa vedem ce. Sa fie... unt? :))


More pictures coming right up.... right after I conquer my laziness and upload them from my own phone

Ain't that the truth

vineri, 2 decembrie 2011

Wishing won't make it so

Stop thinking about it, it's no use.

Stop looking at me and smiling, stop taking those oh-so-cute poses like you do. It's never going to work and you know it, we both know it. Hell, even the rest of us know it, that's why they smile so indulgently when they see us talking. Didn't you notice?

I could have taught you there is so much more to life than what you think there is, up in your I'm-better-than-this tower. You could have discovered that Cuba Libre is more than a saying and orange juice tastes way better with vodka in it. You know, like boyfriend said, I feel sorry for those who don't drink - when they wake up in the morning, it's as good as they're going to feel all day long. You would have known that 6 a.m. means it's time to go to bed and not time to get up. There's poetry in mornings when you put the rest of the world on hold. Let someone else save the world for once and keep dancing. Can't dance? I can't either. But I can sure wear those stilettos and go dancing in the snow. Haven't done that with any of the guys, honest I haven't. And even if I did, you still wouldn't know, especially not now that it's settled.

Probably it's all for the best. What would you have said when you found out that I smoke to start the day and to end it? That I can't sing to save my life and I own more pairs of shoes than I can fit into my kitchen? That I can't cook (or rather, I can, but you'll never know it, cause I'm too lazy) but I'm a star at ordering food? That I consider the kitchen to be storage space, since I never use it, and dusting makes me have a nervous breakdown every time. That I tried more colours on my hair than there are colours in the rainbow and I'm still not sure. That I don't believe in shooting stars but I believe in shoes and cars, as the song goes. That I listen to lyrics, not to music and I'm a sucker for a good story.

I stand by my make-up, make-up is protection, and by my earrings, that I wear six small ones at a time. I believe that heels are confidence and the best colour in the world is black. I don't drive fast, I fly low and I will play the princess every time. It's not that I can't do something, sure I can, it's just so much better when you do it ;)

Go on and be happy in your shell of a life. You got it all figured out, the home, the kids, the job. I bet you read about it in one of your books. I knew from the first glance that you loved reading. Too bad you can be so dumb while being so smart. You think you're leading the good life, the right life. Does it really make you happy? If it did, you wouldn't be talking to me like that, wouldn't be smiling when I bite my lips, now would you? I could have made you happy, and I mean really happy, not cardboard-happy.

Keep reading this over and over again - that's what it's here for. It's the virtual version of a sticky note that you put on your bedroom wall. It's here to remind you it's not possible, it's not real, it's never going to happen. The only problem is we both know that's a lie. We both know it might as well happen, but don't go admitting it to yourself. Especially, don't tell Santa Claus about your wishlist for this Christmas - or you might end up falling in love with me all over again.

Edit: as most of the stuff I write, this one's for a contest, too. The characters and ideas are (mostly) fictional. Does that make you feel any better? :))